Periods or menstruation can be highly painful and uncomfortable for women. A woman would have her periods every month for 3 to 4 days. During her periods, she would get issues such as severe headache nausea, back ache, fatigue, mood swings etc. Mostly, during periods a woman would take over-the-counter painkillers or medicines to overcome her pain. There is a natural and delicious method of overcoming the pain during periods and that is by intake of pineapple. It is well known to us that pineapple is a herbaceous perennial and it belongs to the family Bromeliaceae and genus Ananas. Pineapple tree is mostly seen in places like South America, Asia and Africa etc
Various reasons why a woman must consume pineapples during her periods are
Anti-inflammatory properties:
It is known that during periods, inflammation would lead to severe pain and discomfort for a woman. The bromelain present in pineapple has got superb anti-inflammatory properties. This bromelain would help in reduction of menstrual cramps and muscle soreness etc.
Packed with vitamin C:
Truth is that vitamin C would boost the immunity levels in us. Pineapples are rich in vitamin C and due to this the woman in her periods would get some relief from the menstrual pain or cramps. Moreover, blood vessel walls would get strengthened and reduce heavy menstrual bleeding.
Mood booster and lowers anxiety etc:
It is common for every woman during her periods to experience mood swings and anxiety issues etc. The reason for this is due to hormonal fluctuations. The presence of manganese in the pineapple would elevate the mood. It is true that pineapple has tryptophan (an amino acid) and it would produce serotonin or feel good hormone.
Lowers bloating:
Many women would have issues like bloating etc during their menstruation. The bromelain in the pineapple would improve digestion and due to this bloating would be avoided.
Relieves constipation:
Pineapples have lots of fibre content in them and consuming pineapple during periods would help the woman to avoid constipation problems.
Helps in iron absorption:
The vitamin C that is present in the pineapples would help in absorption of iron. It must be taken into account that vitamin C is the only dietary tissue other than animal tissue that would help in iron absorption. Normally, during periods, a woman would lose iron from heavy bleeding. This would make her feel fatigued and weak. Pineapple intake would provide the much needed energy.