Thiruvannamalai District: 50% subsidy given for the Adi Dravida Farmers to buy motors!

Thiruvannamalai District: 50% subsidy given for the Adi Dravida Farmers to buy motors!

In the district of Thiruvannamalai, Schemes such as PVC Pipe installation, buying an electric motor for the irrigation pump sets, etc., are to be implemented for the citizens belonging to Adi Dravida or Ancient Tribe cadre for their agricultural lands.

For installing PVC pipes on the agricultural land a subsidy of 50% to the maximum of Rs. 15000/- is offered.

For the installation of the electric motor for the irrigation pump-set, a subsidy of 50% to the maximum of 50% is offered.

Citizens belonging to the Adi Dravida a cadre or Ancient Tribes cadre interested in availing the above offer, who are mini and small agricultural land-owners can apply ONLINE on the official TADCO website.

The citizens interested in availing this offer must provide the caste-proof certificate, annual income details proof, Aadhar cards and the quotes received from registered companies and of belonging to the Adi Dravida cadre, apply on the website:  and if belonging to Ancient tribe, apply on the website:

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