Be careful!! Excess consumption of diet soda can harm us in these ways!!

Many of us consume diet soda. How many of us really know the fact that consuming diet soda excessively could result in serious health issues in us?
Instead of sugars, diet sodas would have artificial sweeteners like saccharin, aspartame, sucralose etc in them to provide sweetness for us. The bitter fact is that artificial sweeteners could disrupt our body`s natural ability to regulate calorie intake plus alter gut microbiota and impair insulin sensitivity etc.

These are the various ways by which excess intake of diet soda can harm us.
Risk of becoming obese:
We would have increased hunger and more cravings for sugar based foods as the body`s ability to regulate calorie intake would get disrupted in us. This would happen if we drink excess diet soda having artificial sweeteners. As a result of increased cravings for sugary foods we would put on weight in no time. It is good to drink herbal teas, water etc and limit the intake of diet sodas etc.
Risk of getting type 2 diabetes:
It is worthy to note that excess intake of diet soda would alter the gut microbiota and impair insulin sensitivity. By this, we would have more chances of getting type- 2 diabetes in us. It would be good to consume whole foods instead of diet sodas etc.
Risk of getting kidney issues:
Our kidneys would get stressed and this would lower the kidney functions. It is good to stay hydrated by regular intake of water and avoiding diet sodas completely for the sake of kidney health.
Risk of getting heart issues:
There exists a link between intake of artificial sweeteners and increased chances of getting cardiovascular diseases in us. Point is that we could opt for green tea or lemon water etc instead of drinking diet soda.
Risk of getting bone issues:
Calcium absorption would get interfered due to the presence of phosphoric acid present in the diet soda etc. This would make the bones weak and we would have more chances of getting an osteoporosis issue. To avoid this, we must avoid excess intake of diet soda and consume calcium rich foods.
Risk of getting dental issues:
Our tooth enamel would get eroded and we could get cavities and other dental issues when we drink diet soda in excess quantities. It is essential to rinse the mouth with water after consuming diet soda.
Risk of getting metabolic syndrome:
When we consume artificial sweeteners in excess, then there are more chances of getting metabolic syndrome in us. Metabolic syndrome refers to issues like blood pressure, high blood sugar level and high cholesterol levels etc.
Risk of getting digestive issues:
In some persons, artificial sweeteners present in diet soda would lead to GI problems like gas, bloating, diarrhoea etc. It would be good to opt for beverages that are free from artificial sweeteners.
Risk of getting mood disorders:
It has been brought to light by some research studies that there exists a relation between artificial sweeteners and mood disorders like depression anxiety etc. So, please take care. 

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