Latest on the Physical Education Classes for the Students in the Government Schools!

New sports equipment and certain basic play items would make many students studying in the government schools in Chennai and TN happy. The government has planned to resume physical education classes for these students soon.

Old sports equipment would make way for the new ones in all the state government run schools. This was as per a senior official belonging to the school education department. He added that 37931 government schools from elementary to higher secondary schools across TN plus 44lakhs students studying in these schools would be benefited. He threw light on how the sports materials have rusted or worn out as they were not used in the last 2 years. It is well known that schools have been closed to control the spread of Coronavirus pandemic in the last 2 years. From February onwards, the direct physical classes are being held in various schools.

It is important to note that as many as 20 sports items related to cricket, football, basketball, rugby, and hockey would be purchased. Not only that, for track & field, shot put, discus, javelin, step hurdle and athletic equipment would be purchased. It was mentioned that for 24266 primary schools plastic cricket bats and softballs, rubber shot puts, rubber discus etc would also be purchased.

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