Practical exams for the TN school students from today!!

Across the state of Tamil Nadu, practical examinations for the students of classes 10th, 11th and  12th would take place from 25th April 2022 to 2nd May 2022. It is worthy to mention that about 19lakhs of students would be appearing for the exams that would go on till 2nd of May.

According to the number of students, examinations would be held in several phases in each district belonging to TN. Information is that more than 30000 students would be taking part in the examination in Chennai alone.

As per the recommendation of the schools, the practical examination that used to take place for 3 hours usually would now take place for 2 hours only. It is well known that the theory exams for the students of classes 10, 11 and 12 would be from 6th May to 30th May, 11th May to 31st May and 5th May to 28th May respectively.

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