Rotary Club of Guindy distributes sewing machines; transforms lives of Covid- widows

50 sewing machines and training certificates were distributed to First-two batches of trained Covid-widows for their livelihood; supported by the Department of Social Defence, Tamil Nadu

 Rotary Club of Guindy, under the program “Swasam”, today distributed 50 Sewing machines to first -two batches of tailoring trained women beneficiaries who have lost their spouse or sole breadwinner of the family during Covid pandemic. The program “Swasam”, is supported by the Department of Social Defence, Tamil Nadu had identified 300 women for training and receiving Usha Sewing machines.

 Thiru. V.M Muralidharan, Chairman, Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai presided over the occasion as Chief Guest and gave away ‘Usha’ Sewing machines and training certificates to each of the first- two batches of women. Rtn, Ramesh Babu. S, President, Rtn. Radha Krish, Secretary and Rtn. Suresh Kumar R, Director, Community Service Development, Rotary Club of Guindy organized the event and explaining the objective of the programme, highlighted the significance and salient features of the scheme.

Under the program, “Swasam”, executed by Rotary Club of Guindy in support with Department of Social Defence, Tamil Nadu, 300 women who have lost their spouse or sole breadwinner of the family during pandemic were identified and given training in tailoring by a renowned sewing school trainers in batches. At the end of the training course, these women were presented with new sewing machines and tailoring certification enabling them to become self-employed and improve their livelihood.

Speaking on the occasion, Thiru. V.M Muralidharan, Chairman, Ethiraj College for Women said, “Our State witnessed significant loss due to COVID deaths with many families losing their bread-winners. With more than counselling to them, they immediately required consistent financial support. Such programs like “Swasam” gave a hand to live and assisted their families. I congratulate Rotary Club of Guindy for successfully executing the ‘Swasam’ program and inspiring to see the success of the program helping in the rehabilitation of these women in our society.”

Rtn, Ramesh Babu. S, President, Rotary Club of Guindy said, “Swasam program is a helping hand for such covid-victim families providing them real hope for their future. Skilling Covid widows would help them a long run with such tailoring training programs and presenting Sewing machines.”

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