Department of Implantology, Saveetha Dental College, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences are delighted to announce the grand success of SIMSYM 2022, an exclusive implant symposium in Chennai. To celebrate the occasion for the successful placement of around 12500 implants an extravagant scientific event was held in Chennai.

The function was inaugurated by Dr Sheeja Varghese, Registrar of SIMATS; Dr N.D. Jayakumar, Dean of faculty; Dr S. Aravind Kumar, Dean of Saveetha Dental College; Dr Thiyaneswaran N, Vice Principal and Head of Implantology; Dr Suresh V, Head of Prosthodontics. The event took place under the guidance of Dr.N.M Veeraiyan, Chancellor, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS) with the intention of increasing the knowledge and skill in the field of implantology among the dental practitioners.

The programme had a participation of over 442 registered members, comprising undergraduates, postgraduates, faculty, practitioners from over 15 dental colleges throughout India making it the highest number of attendances seen in a programme organized by Saveetha Dental College. A huge scientific platform with 3 national and 4 international speakers was created to discuss new scientific developments and treatment protocols with lively question and answer sessions too.

Renowned implantology experts and speakers like Dr. Espirito Santo (Portugal), Dr. Komal Majumdar (India), Dr Rahul Shah (India), Dr Jason Kim (USA), Dr Nhan Van Vo (Vietnam), Dr Neel Bhatavadekar (India) and Dr. Christian Jarry (Switzerland) participated and imparted great knowledge to the delegates. Scientific poster presentations have been organized for the delegates to promote their research and clinical discoveries as well as their presenting skills. A total of 141 posters have been presented under 18 sessions. All the scientific sessions were judged by experienced senior faculty from various disciplines in order to avoid bias of any kind. To encourage the delegates, prizes worth Rs 5 Lakh have been given at the end of the symposium.

On an endnote, Dr Deepak Nallaswamy, Director of Academics, SIMATS, has congratulated the department for achieving a cosmic level of dental implant placements contributing a greater benefit to students and more than 7000 patients so far

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